Dear Readers,
What is this? Your wisdom is needed to help explain this picture. My own immediate thought is that this is a picture showing the use of illegal "alien" labour to make cheap tires.........but I could be wrong. I look forward to reading your suggestions and thoughts on the matter.
Your Lazy Blogger,
What's the deal with all of this chaos?
2 weeks ago
Once there was a little old ant, thought he could move a rubber tree plant, but everyone knows that ants can't move a rubber tree plant....but he had high hopes, yes he had high hopes, high in the sky apple pie hopes.........lalalalalalalala.
Ergo, all those rubber tree plants were moved there by ants!!!! LOL.
Looks like aloe, or some similar succulent. Wonder if they are suing the tires to train them into a more upright growth so they can sell them as a small indoor "tree"?
They must be rubber trees because bicyle tires are already sprouting from the plants. I didn't know tires grew like that. =)
It looks like aloe vera plants with rubber hoses, probably for irrigation. Either that or it's a really, really, really (!) big snake.
no clue but I love the explanation of patterns of ink. They grow bike tyres
This is a bootleg photo of the harsh conditions plants in plant prison experience. Locked down in their individual units only to have the breezes and light of day for succor. OH to be free!
Glad you have stepped out of lurkerdom. And straight away, you come close to the truth. I suppose they are somewhat related to aloe vera plants. Close but no cigar.
"high in the sky apple pie hopes' - dem dere are the best kind of hopes. Thanks for the cheerful song.
O wise one, you have helped unveil part of the mystery. They are not being sold as small indoor plants but something indeed is sold.
I am proud of your using your imagination. That would be a rubber tree genetically modified not just to produce latex but to produce ready to use tires. Think of the time saved, and the profits.
Snake? No but that that is the most fun answer yet and is related to the actual answer in a mythological way.
It is clearly a desperate ploy by a blogger with writer's block. But Tom's answer is imaginative,isn't it?
Sorry I don't have any prizes or else you get one for imagination. Yes, I like your answer. In fact, I would add that the Red Cross representative noticed that the prisoners all had a sickly green pallor. Hahaha.
Glad you have stepped out of lurkerdom. And straight away, you come close to the truth. I suppose they are somewhat related to aloe vera plants. Close but no cigar.
"high in the sky apple pie hopes' - dem dere are the best kind of hopes. Thanks for the cheerful song.
Rubber is soft and doesn't hurt the plant so my guess is the tires are used for staking the plant as aloe vera can get quite gangly - or does the plant give off some kind of sap or something that is collected by the tire?
I think they are mutant alien cacti (though how I know they are mutant when they are already alien, I don't know) coming out of their pods prior to eating Earth's delectable population.
Day of the Triffids, anyone?
I tried to place a comment but it got wacko so deleted it.
I noticed the bicycle tires but I think they're used to keep the plant upright non? I think it's aloe vera plant. I could be wrong... I've been known to be wrong before :)
These are tire trees and the tires are just beginning to grow. In sasnother month they will be full size.
Well, see! Your readers are so smart you don't need my infinite wisdom! :) I thought it was an aloe vera farm.
Do I win a prize for being 17th?
Interesting idea about the tires collecting sap but that's not correct. The tires are there just to train the plants upwards.
I like how all the men have imaginative explanations for this picture whereas the women keep coming back to aloe vera.
urban animal,
Tires to keep plant upright - check. Aloe Vera - Nope.
dr. john,
Haha. Thank you for continuing the fantastical explanations offered by all the male readers.
Not an aloe vera farm. Some people came close to parts of the answer but still no winner yet.
My computer is bent, so I get only the top part of the picture.
But when he rubber hits the road!
Oil Palms abandoned by their more combustible parents?
ivan and mark,
I am so proud that the men gave such imaginative answers compared with the women.
I'm going to take a flying leap and say that although I'm not sure what kind of plant it is, the tires are there to keep animals off of it, probably snakes.
A plausible suggestion but in fact the tires are there just to train the tree upwards.
Since I'm reading backwards I already knew the answer! but my first thought was how similar in shape they are to a culantro plant I bought recently. I thought I read cilantro, even though It didn't look like any cilantro plant I'd seen......Any idea about Culantro?
Sorry, Culantro is new to me too.
I already read the post above which explains what this is, but had I had to guess I would have imagined it to be something like pineapple plants or something like that.
pineapple plants? Only if they are from the Twilight Zone, I'm afraid. Normal ones keep their arms short and to themselves!
dragon fruit plants, grafted onto stems, tyres to support growth and keep fruit from growing towards the ground
cacti producing dragon fruit, tyres used to support leggy growth and keep fruit from being produced too close to the ground
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