My good friend, Josie of C'est la Vie, recently and very graciously bestowed on me this rather flattering award, "The Blogging Mentor Award". It appears that the award is in general for mentors, inspirations or people who have been encouraging to fellow bloggers to continue blogging or who are such characters that they are forces of nature in the blogosphere.
Wow! I am certainly pleased to be thought so highly by Josie as to get this award. The strange thing is that I would immediately name Josie as one of my blog mentors too. Before this degenerates into a meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society, if Josie thought that I was her mentor and I thought of Josie as my mentor, this a case of the blind leading the blind?
Being a mentor is both a great responsibility and a great privilege. It implies both a certain stature and status but in the humble service of others. The originator of this award has used the imagery of a Greek philosopher mentoring his student or disciple. It is an imagery that captures the essence of mentoring. However, I hope that Josie does not expect me to follow in the footsteps of such greats as Plato who was forced to end his life by drinking poison because of what he taught.
But enough of this senseless chatter. I have appreciated everybody's input and encouragement since I started blogging. All of you, including some who have left the blogging scene, have been all part of my wonderful learning experience here. However, it is now my duty to pass this award on to 5 of my mentors. They are.....
1. Claudia. I have always felt that Claudia kind of "adopted" me and has made it her role to challenge me and probably all her other readers to expand our minds, our experience and our experimenting with this blogging media. She gets me in a lot of trouble but its all fun.
2. Meggie . I am always encouraged by Meggie's blog. Her stories are awesome and her characters really come to life. This have given me a desire to aspire to be as good a story teller too. I also remember her gracious defence of my complete ignorance and lack of appreciation of quilting. Who knows? Maybe one day, I'll quilt! Don't hold your breath though.
3. Jocelyn. Jocelyn's blog has just always been an inspiration for me. From her choice of name which is "O Mighty Crisis" to her posts on her work, family and travels, I am inspired by her humor, joy and positiveness in the face of the chaos that is life. She reminds me to have fun blogging.
4. Dave. Dave was probably one of my earliest blogging buddies and over time, I found that we had very similar interests and outlooks of life. We even had very similar ideas for blogging posts. This was, of course very encouraging to find someone who shared do much a common interest in the same things. However, Dave was more than that. He was very pro-active in giving encouragement in his comments and he was particularly supportive of my posts about my Christian faith.
5. Marja. Marja is a relatively recent acquaintance on the blogosphere but she is the essence of encouragement. I think she is a natural mentor and qualifies to be a force of nature in the blogosphere.
What's the deal with all of this chaos?
2 weeks ago
Congratulations. I welcome you to the esteemed status of Blogging Mentor. Those of us who already belong to the club are always happy to see new blood come in. The more mentors the more great blogs there will be.
Thank you humbly LGS. I am very flattered. I find your posts wonderful, & especially love your travel posts about your Secret spots -they make me want to pack my bags on the spot!
Thank you so very much. Wow. I don't think I've mentored anyone - any time! Wow! (blushing)
Thank you so very much!
Congratulations LGS :D It is a very fitting and well deserved award !!
Does this mean you now have to grow a long white beard and mustache?
Well looks like congrats are in order - definitely an award suited for your blog and writing talents Lgs!
You have made my day, even though it's 8 p.m. There are still four hours in this day that have been made.
In particular, it is gratifying to have one as astute as yourself note such kind things about me and my blog.
Thank you!
Thank you. I bow to both your seniority and your vast life experience. I kind of discovered your blog very late but find it very interesting. I am beginning to get familiar with the goings on in Pigeon Falls.
Thank you for your kind comments about my Secret Spot series. I, in turn, always enjoy it most when you tell us about some character that you have encountered. You make them come alive for me. I would definitely read a novel written by you.
You are too modest. I think you are in the business of helping people, that it is in your nature and it naturally comes across in your blogging.
I think you miss the point. I can live with the long white beard and mustache but do I have to grow bald? Worse....there's this thing about Plato and the poison.
Thanks for your kind words. I haven't forgotten your efforts in trying to teach me Haiku. Unfortunately I have been a bad student. My soul is perhaps too cluttered with useless words that I have difficulty delivering a thought with such succinct clarity and insight. See, that was very long way for me to say that I am unable to be concise. :)
I meant every word. I also would have very much liked to have bumped into you during your travels in Ireland. I am not sure we would have hit it off cause I am perhaps too introverted to your enthusiasm but you would certainly be one of the gems of the people I would have met.
I am gratefully and humbly accepting the honour. In blogosphere I am proudly surrounded by inspiring people like you but to hear this from you is very encouraging and uplifting. Thanks a million. xxx
Congratulations LGS, I'm sure you've earned it.
I have found the people I have met through blogging to be amazingly generous in sharing with others the things they have learned along the way.
I shall have to check out your awardees.
Congratulations! You are a force of nature in every sense of the word.
I always learn things when I visit your blog even as I admire the beauty of your prose and the gentleness of your spirit.
In the sense of inspiring others to be their own best, you are a worthy mentor for all of us.
The blogosphere community is really generally a very supportive and encouraging group but some, like you stand out in this area. Enjoy sharing the award with others.
As you know, being a part of this community is the reward itself. I might add that your blog is quite a class of its own. Something for me to aspire towards.
I really appreciate and value those kind words coming from you as i have a deep respect for your blog and your honest views of life.
congratulations! an honor well-deserved. and as i catch up to the blogging world, i am enjoying the links to the other blogs.
welcome back! It has been quite awhile. I hope you are well.
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