Photocredit: LGS
Sometimes even when we stand fully in the sunlight, we hear the whispers made in the dark and the warmth of the sun can become as an unholy chill. This is the reason of my writing this poem. This is its source.
I look back and the path is clear,
It was never that before,
The steps I took that led me here
The heartbreak that I bore
Now floating, glimmering in the air.
The grains of time, each one had fallen,
Taking their place on this mystic chart
Casting their light as if stars in heaven,
Glowing for the giving of love and heart
Marking the sacrifices mostly forgotten.
This child, this land, this tree has grown,
Nurtured by sweat, blood and love
A price paid in youth’s tender years flown
Nothing but the best for the beloved
Its needs and dreams became our own.
Our time, our duty, our charge is at an end
We have served the portion given us
Move on and live again free, my friend
With those words they comfort us
As if a heart that is torn apart can mend.
I give you away before I am forced to,
So you may not see the tears
That our parting seems happy, not blue
No dark uncertainties, no fears
But I will always watch over you
I pray that you continue to grow in stature
And be all that you can be
That is a blessing and a light for the future
Hoping you’d remember me
Not some dark effigy painted by whispers
Well! First of all the picture is fabulous...did you do the processing yourself?
Secondly your poem is an outstanding tribute to the child leaving home, be it marriage, college or whatever circumstance. It is so hard to break the strings of parenthood but break them we must, not only for the child but more importantly for ourselves. We do not own our children - they are small treasures lent to us to guide in this world of tragedy, yet pleasure too. What a beautiful beautiful poem Lgs.
Thanks, I did do the processing using just Picasa. Of course, I have been learning from Lorraine's example on how to edit photos. Thanks also for the kind words about the poem.
very moving :-o
The moment of looking around and realizing what led to this point in life, in time, giving an idea of "finity" (Endlichkeit), having to start letting go. Hearing time whisper.
Was bleibt?
hi LGS, beautiful picture and poem. very thought provoking.
thanx for the info on josie's blog re generic medicines. i understood the patent part, etc., but i still was never feeling comfortable with the generics. i'm really being forced to take them now because the insurance companies are refusing to cover more and more of the name-brand medicines. i do feel more comfortable since your info. thanx again.
LGS, you cease to amaze me. I have learnt so much about you from reading your posts over the months. This poem is very touching. Thanks for sharing it with your readers.
just marking a spot in time. We all have our own "children".
you say it so well.
thanks. About the generics, it's because I trained as a biochemist and I know that generic drugs are chemically and pharmacologically indistinguishable to original brand name drugs. If they were different they would not be called generic drugs. However, there are some drugs sold even cheaper than generic drugs and these are counterfiet drugs which are not monitored for quality and often is much weaker in action. These are really illegal but unscrupulous pharmacists may buy them. This problem is common in Malaysia but probably rare in USA.
glad to have you back as we more or less started this blogging journey together. Looking forward to more of your posts.
You are really talented. I think the lines:
Our time, our duty, our charge is at an end
We have served the portion given us
Move on and live again free, my friend
should be on a beautiful poster with your photo and put in every hospice type place in the world. I think it would bring great peace to the dying.
Very nice. If only there was nothing more then whispers in the dark.
Time does stange things to a person. Both for better and for worse. Some knowledge gained, some lost for most.
Beautiful...time for letting go and moving on....let us not weep but be happy for a new trail...
Beautifully written.
I wish I could write poetry.
I don't know from whence your words have sprung, but after reading, and re-reading it several times, it still is haunting. You have a way with words, and your picture reminds me of one of those scary shots in the movies where some horrific realization is occuring and the camera moves in close, zeroing in on the subject whilst the background turns to blur... I enjoyed your poem. almost to tears.
My humble thanks. I am encouraged especially since this is the first poem I have posted that has elicited different responses and different perceptions from different people. That's a form of progress, no? :)
Thanks for thinking that those words are worthy of comforting those in hospice.
yes, there are far worst things than whispers in the dark. But they can also undo so much good.
as ever, you are a beacon that shines for all of us.
the thinker,
I didn't think I could write poetry either. I got encouragement from more established poets and blogger friends and I gave it a try. Hey, they seem to accept it as poetry.
I guess what I am saying is if you have the desire to write poetry, just give it a try. Write for yourself ....for your own satisfaction. And don't worry if you have to return and polish it up. The only test of a good poem is if it communicates with others, I think.
I draw most of my inspiration from hurt and pain. Perhaps you could draw from your teenage angst? I am now trying to work on "happy" poems.....which I really suck at.
Thanks for your kind words. I was exactly aiming for that kind of feel for the photo but of course nowadays it is so simple to press some buttons on a photo editing software. I am overwhelmed by everyone's reaction to this poem. Thank you.
I consider that a most valued compliment that my humble words could do that.
Many thanks to Leslie who referred me here, to this poem specifically. My last post was about dropping my youngest off at college-- today. She knew this poem would be meaningful, and it is . . . and I thought I wasn't going to cry. I thought I'd . . . but . . . it's beautiful, LGS. So is the photo! I have to look into Picasa. I don't know if it's for Macs.
LGS...I didn't catch anything about leaving home in there but I thought all the while of deforestation and something you nurtured, if only with your presence, being in the way of progress.
Just my perception which is what good poetry is, not necessarily to lead all to the same place but just to lead them to a place that they rarely go.
heiress child i take 9 scripts every day and about half of them are generic, they cost 1/3 of the ones that aren't and I can say that LGS is right they work just as well as the more expensive ones, including the same side effects.
Please no teen angst poetry.
Most, if not all, audiences I have read to do not particularly like "happy" poetry but prefer the dark, revolution or, the erotic without being pornographic words.
I've gotten so far behind in reading my bookmarked friends. School starting up claims most of my afterhours.
When I understand the poets worldview it helps me understand images in their poetry and this has a spiritual quality to it. I like the use of whispers.
thank you for coming by, leaving a comment and for the kind words about this poem. I am most encouraged.
It wasn't about deforestation but top marks to you cause your view was the closest to my original intent.
Okay, based on your advice, maaybe no "happy" poetry. Revolution? Ooo, I like that. I can try that.
Erotic? Will have to do some research before I attempt that.
Always good to have you drop in. I don't know where you find the time but your posts are always classy and well thought out. Your poems have been part of my inspiration to try my poetry wings out so to speak.
this is a very beautiful poem, LGS. Beautiful and eloquent words. I have to smile because I have never had the opportunity to raise a child, the responsibilities...never really had to let go...
but you do it so well!!
wildlife rehab?
I really enjoyed your poem, LGS.
Thanks for the kind words. We all can have children and I am not just refering to offspring. Anything and anyone we nurture is in a way our child.
That's thinking tangentially. It's in the right direction but still offbase. But perhaps poetry should not be explained so that you can enjoy what reaches to you most.
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