If you look at the previous post, you will see that I felt that the world needed "Peace", "Tranquility" and "Serenity". This was really partly in response to the tragedies of Virginia Tech, the car bomb in Baghdad that killed 120 people and the other stories of violence and injustice around the world in the last week.
Jay, however, commented and rightly pointed out that what the world needs now is "love, sweet love". She is right and she is also refering to an old Burt Bacharach & Hal David song;
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No not just for some but for everyone.
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No not just for some but for everyone.
Lord, we don't need another mountain,
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross,
Enough to last till the end of time.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.
Lord, we don't need another meadow
There are cornfields and wheat fields enough to grow
There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine
Oh listen, lord, if you want to know.
There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine
Oh listen, lord, if you want to know.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.
No, not just for some, oh, but just for everyone.
What the World Needs Now is..........

Ladislav Kamarad (Gillespies Beach)
I saw you commented on "heartinsanfransisco"'s blog on the UK banning the holocaust from schools. I wanted to let you know this is FALSE. You can check the BBC and other news agencies.
I am British and am deeply disturbed that this report has been circulating - it is not true and will never be something acceptable in the UK!!!
I just wanted to set the record straight.
Thank you
Burt Bacharach is such a great songwriter. And he expresses just the right sentiments.
Kirsty, Thanks for telling me that the report that the UK is banning the teaching about the Holocaust from schools is untrue. That is great news. I apologise for accepting the report without verification and for my comments if they have offended anyone. I am glad that it is not true.
I like his music. It's smooth and effortless. Wonderful.
Stunning pictures Lgs.
Love seems to be reserved these days for babies, children and maybe one's spouse. Yet it is something we can give away for free and costs nothing to take but somewhere along the line the world has lost sight of this. One wonders why it is that the freest things are the hardest to give.
If love were applied more liberally, so many wrongs could be righted, wars would end, relationships would be repaired, murders would never happen, racism would be no more, etc.....if love were applied more liberally.
LGS, I can hear Dionne Warwick's voice when I read the words to that song. I love that song. I just had a terrible week at work with a co-worker who was behaving like a bully, and I found myself saying inside my head "I hate that woman." And then I realized what an awful thing I was thinking about her. It sometimes seems so much easier to hate than to love, and to bear recrimination than to forgive.
P.S. Gorgeous picture! My goodness!
I have to say that I have a different take on this. I think love is not free. It is costly. To really love, we have to be willig to put someone elses welfare above our own. That's why there's so little of it going around in a world that is practicing "Me first!".
I posted these pictures cause when I see pictures like this or that of a mother and child, all the hate just leaves me. But I guess it's not that simple for the rest of the world. Love is the answer but we don't seem to have it in liberal amounts.
Glad the song had an impact on you in a positive way. Ah yes, Dionne Warwick....sigh.
but it has also come to this....that we need more rivers, hillsides, meadows, mountains and oceans.... and pristine.
they will not last til the end of time.
beautiful photo and I love that song.
We each need to spread the love starting in our own little corner of the world and if each of us can do it, it's a good place to let it grow.
I seem to be spending this week being corrected but you are absolutely right. We've come to a time when even the rivers, oceans and mountains can no longer be taken for granted. Mount Everest is a rubbish dump. Glaciers are receding; the seas are dying. They will no longer last till the end of time. So much damage since that song was written about 30 years ago.
If I start in this corner and you start in that corner, I hope we get to meet up someday!
Hi..I'm just catching up on your blog. What a beautiful tribute to the victims of Virgina Tech!! My heart also goes out to e'one who has been touched tradegy on such proportions....I wish for for peace and love also......thank you!
Awesome website. Your photos and your writings are beautiful. The world needs more people like you.
Note: Under the squirrel, you are talking about traveling. However, I thought you might like to know that the word traveling has 1 too many L's in it. [img]http://www.smileypad.com/v224/Misc/Clever.gif[/img]
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