Bali Hi!

on Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I would like to thank you, dear readers for the wonderful array of good wishes for my recent trip to Bali for a much needed time of relaxation and restoration and especially to those who were able to bring themselves to say best wishes even if it was through clenched teeth. To all of you, I wish you all an opportunity for such an interlude in your near future.

I have posted on Bali before as I was first blessed with an opportunity to visit the island in 2006. I had earlier written about its Beaches, the handicraft centre and peaceful paddy fields of Ubud and on Balinese Culture.

This trip was really more for relaxation. Minimum rushing around and just enjoying the sea, the open spaces, the wind, tranquility and friendly people. Being a bit of a tight-wad, there was no way I could really relax unless I felt that the whole experience was also a great bargain; which it most definitely was. To give you an idea of costs, a) hiring a car and guide for an entire day (10 hours) will cost between USD40-50; b) a meal at a 4-star hotel could cost as little as USD3.50; c) A buffet meal as little as USD12/-; d) a traditional massage for 70 minutes at a 4 star hotel for USD 40/- (or as low as USD 10/- in some places).

I have come back totally relaxed in body and mind. It feels great. I truly wish you all would have the opportunity to visit Bali. But for best effect, just chill and don't rush about. Let the island's magic lull you into a peaceful state.

Here are some photos to whet your appetite.


Anonymous said...

Never could figure out Bali music.

Tinkling bells.

Was that a Tiger or a Dragon that was played?

But soothing all the same.

Must have been good for the soul.

Dr.John said...

Thanks for the slide show. I am glad you had a great vacation. Every squirrel deserves its day.

Anonymous said...

Thats it, rub it in... !!!! *lol*

My turn next.

Sodid ya get a tan ?

Janice Thomson said...

Delightful and interesting photos Lgs - looks like you had a wonderful and relaxing time there. Would like to see some closeups of their artwork :)

geewits said...

Thanks so much for the pictures. One of the best aspects of the blogging community is the vicarious travel. In the past week, I have "visited" Bali and Ireland. And all without the hassle of airports and customs. I'm glad you had a nice vacation.

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

I am not an expert on Balinese music but I believe that its early use was as accompaniment to the stylised story-telling dances of the balinese. The percussion cymbals help keep time for the dancers. It can be either soothing or jarring, irritating or mesmerising.

Thank you. I do so agree that every squirrel deserves its day.

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Your turn is coming up soon enough. I don't tan easily. My normal skin color is that of an albino chicken that has just seen a ghost.

I'll try to post a couple of photos about their art work.

Thanks,glad you enjoyed the pictures.

Claire said...

Sweet! I really enjoyed the photos.

tsduff said...

Just another day in paradise...

Pretty slideshow - thanks for the mini tour of a place I may never see.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Thanks for bringing Bali to me. Loved the pictures.

squirrelmama said...

I am glad there is no ban on squirrels in Bali. The slide show made for some rest-and-relaxation (by proxy) for me. FREE! Now that is what I call a REAL bargain!

Marja said...

have to watch the slideshow later as they are not working on this computer. Which I will do for sure as I love Indonesia. My brother went to Bali as well. I am happy you are revived and I can feel your energy. Wish you all the best from NZ

Margaret said...

Bali sounds cheap! If only the airfare to get there was affordable.

meggie said...

Wonderful pics. Would love to go & relax. Sigh...
So glad you are refreshed.

Jo said...

LGS, those are wonderful. I could feel the warm air, just looking at them. Lucky you!

Cycling Goddess said...

LGS, I'm very happy to read you had a wonderful and relaxing vacation. And the pics are beautiful, make me feel like I'm there. Bali is on my list of places to go and maybe one day I'll be able to cross it off that list :)

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