Do you remember a time when men were real men? Not "soft and sensitive" new age guys or "in touch with their feminine side" metro-sexuals? It was a time when men bravely took charge of the family and led it with a firm and sure hand. A time when they went out into the harsh world and brought back the bacon. A time when they knew how to take care of their women. Today, many men could do with role models on how to be real men in their marraiges....... real men to their wives.
The Lone Grey Squirrel has resorted to scouring the internet and theft (in the tradition of Sneaky) to bring you the best examples of the strong, caring and take charge husband. Please vote for your favorite for the "Husband of the Year" award. (see poll on the sidebar; results will be tabulated after a week).
Here are your "Husband of the Year" Nominees from.......
A Homemade Gift
1 day ago
says it all...true to life...
I concurr with the comment above...
btw top photo reminds me of that shot of coconut man in India. Did you see it? A house-sized bush of coconuts wobbled to market on a tuktuk by some mad Indian... I'll try and find it for my blog...
I've seen these before. My question is why are people in other countries always hauling around giant bundles of twigs?
Ridiculous isn't it. My favorite husband is the one from England - NOT!
Grossly unfair...not a one of these guys looked metro-sexual.
I voted for Albania, but Poland comes dang close.
Naw....there are some nice guys out there. Really. Really. Really.
Look forward to that photo if you can find it. I am sure you are much more of a gentleman than any of these examples.
I know the answer to that question. In many parts of the world, heating and cooking is still done primarily over wood fired stoves or hearths. Hence the need for the twigs.
You have good taste! :)
Well, I dunno.... some of them seem to be making a lot of effort to keep their manicured nails from being dirtied.
Looks like Eastern Europe is ahead.
That kind of man exists entirely too much still.
Before I saw the photos, I was going to comment that such men had managed to act that way on the shoulders of women. The photos showed just that.
I'll cook his bacon when I find my handyman
Ha ha. I’ve seen a couple of these before. I think I’ll vote for the Irish couple. At least he’s holding her hand and showing a little affection.
Going to pass on the vote, since all of them should be shot!
I hope you didn't think I was a Male Chauvinist Pig just from the intro of the post. Anyhow, you've found yourself a keeper so you needn't worry about this bunch of guys.
"cook his bacon"? I can't decide if that is a promise or a threat. :)
Ever the romantic, eh?
there, there. Surely they are just in need of counseling ........and maybe electro-shock therapy?
LGS, Thank you for the best chuckle I have had all day.
And unlike many of the people commenting here, I have never seen these before, and I love them! :-)
you are the Comeback Kid.... always the perfect reply
You are welcome. Glad to make you chuckle.
why thank you. Am now speechless.
Very difficult to decide but finally I did.
I'll bet you had a ball "scouring". What did you use for search terms or was it a setup?
I actually came across a couple of the pictures on some other blog and decided to just google "Husband of the year" which was the title given to the pictures. So I really did not have to "scour" the internet.....thanks to google. So it was a little bit of a setup. Hope you are not disappointed.
Those were the days...
Those were the days.....may they never come back.
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