Dear Friends,
"We now return you to the scheduled static." is my way of saying that I need to take a break from blogging for about 2-3 weeks. There is just too many competing matters in my life right now and I need the time to deal with them.
I will still be around and will visit your blogs when I can. I hope to come back with fresh ideas for this blog too.
Now that is the mundane explanation for my coming absence but here in the Realm of the Lone Grey Squirrel, we try to banish the mundane. Therefore, the official press statement from the Realm is as follows........
"THE PEASANTS ARE REVOLTING!" There are unconfirmed reports from the Realm of the Lone Grey Squirrel that the unwashed masses are dissatisfied with the on-going nut credit crisis brought about by exposure to the U.S. Sub-prime crisis. Unlike the U.S. which is able to conjure and print up a batch of 700 billion dollars to help with the crisis, nuts only grow on trees and it will take a lot of squirrels many, many days to collect that many nuts.
When told that the peasants are revolting, the High Lord All Exalted King of the Realm replied, "They are indeed". When asked what he would do to address the situation, his Highness replied, "Giving them all a bath would be a good first step...........Oh, you mean the nut crisis! I am afraid that I will have to stop blogging for 2-3 weeks to marshal our nut harvesting efforts.
And so, farewwll and see you all at the other end of the three weeks.
What's the deal with all of this chaos?
2 weeks ago
'til later, your highness!
NO FEAR...see ya on the flip side in a few.
I find the peasants are revolting too. But they aren't as 'alf as bad as them that's in charge of 'em.
Viva el nuttso revolution!
when you come back, you'll have to let us know who won, the squirrel gorillas, or the incumbent fat-tails.
The three weeks will go by so slowly. We will miss you .
I will ensure that the squirrels here do their bit (and take a bath) while you are away.
See you when you get back your squirrelyness :)
See you after 3 weeks of revolt. Squirrel Power victorius.
peasants have always been revolting, that's why they keep them outside the castle walls.
C you later.
Keep your paws off my nuts!
See you when you get back, Mr. Squirrel!
LGS, Nooooo! Just when I have time to come and visit you, you're not here!
Come back! Come back!
See you in three weeks. :-)
Found you a funny with a cousin of yours, LGS!
We'll miss ya. Being it's autumn here - what a better time than now for some nut collecting.
Our huge live oak tree out front will be dropping acorns here shortly. I'll bag you up a few.
Noooh, not another great blogger going on hiatus! Is it something in the water? You'd better not stay gone for long, Lone Grey, or I'm confiscating your nut collection!
Well, take care of yourself and hurry back!
You're gathering nuts for the upcoming freeze, aren't you??
hi LGS, definitely understand about the break. i haven't been blogging as much the past few months because of so much going on in my life. i hope you have a nice rest and get everything accomplished that you need to.
I haven't been around reading blogs with too much chaos in my life. I hope you're all right. I am just getting back to blogging - maybe you will too?
Missing you. Reading about the news over on your piece of this big acorn. Hope you and yours are all okay.
I've been quite remiss lately about both visiting and writing, but hope you are well.
Enjoy your time off gathering nuts. We nutcases will await your return, more or less patiently, and count the days.
I've been missing you already, but I shall now miss you even more.
I hope all is well. It seems that many of my long-term favorite bloggers are currently taking a break, for whatever reason. I wonder what this says about blogging!
Hello Squirrel!
We'll just play tag.
Tag! You're it
Prx :>
We await your return!
Sometimes you just need to get away for a while. I know what you mean. Take your time.
I'm no math wizard, but I think your three weeks are up. Where art thou, Squirreleo?
time should just about be up, eh?
Okay, 3 weeks just blew by... are you there? :D
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