I promised a certain Kat (will squirrels never be free from cat tyranny?) to send some bugs her way,
To brighten up what may otherwise be a dreary, pale winter day.
The first two bugs, their names I hold,
But am hoping Kat, the others you know.
We challenge others too, to take the test,
And put the mystery of their names to rest.
For no other reason but to pass the time,
And give me a chance to try my rhyme.
If a clue is needed to break the code,
Be aware that Malaysia is their abode.
What's the deal with all of this chaos?
4 weeks ago
I have tried but I ran out of time ... Hopefully I got at least one correct! Great photos ... reminds me of when my father often took photos of moths and butterflies.
Rajah Brooke's Birdwing ... Trogonoptera brookiana
A female Rajah Brooke's Birdwing
Unknown to me
Unknown to me
Well done Dave,
I can confirm the first two which was from a forest site where I did some work but to be honest, I've been too lazy to identify the other 3. Once more names are in, I'll check and post the answers. The last three were bred in captivity (Butterfly farm).
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