Tragic Child

on Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Picture : New Straits Times

This post is graphic in nature. You may find its contents upsetting.

This is a multi-faceted tragedy with each facet vieing with the others for tragic prominence. The picture above shows some of the Malaysian public responses to the death of a little girl.

On Monday morning, a bookshop in Kuala Lumpur opened for business and one of the staff saw a sports bag in a small recess next to the stairwell. Thinking that it belonged to the shop's owner, she moved the bag into the office. However, when the manager arrived, he confirmed that it was not his bag. They were shocked when they opened the bag to examine the contents.

Inside was the abused body of a young child who is believed to be about 8 years old. Police forensics would reveal that she had been dead for about 3-6 hours. This child had been assaulted and tortured with foreign objects inserted into her private parts. She would have been in immense pain as the assaliant had caused her intestines to rupture which is believed to have led to her death even though there were also strangulation marks.

This girl's fate is tragic at so many levels. Clearly, her death had been violent, frightening and painful. The way her body was callously packed into a small sports bag and abandoned in a stairwell also shows the total lack of respect of her as a person. Even worse, if that is possible, no one has claimed her body or reported her missing. Did no one care for this child? Where are her parents? Her family? Was she homeless? Was she abandoned or was she kidnapped form far away? Could it be her parents are seeking her but unaware of her fate? Will she be buried unclaimed, unidentified and unloved?

There is a sense of sadness in many Malaysians this week as the news and information about the child unfolded. There was a close circuit camera of the shop which show a man and a woman who used the stairways prior to the discovery of the bag and they are being sought by police for questioning.

Incidents like this always lead us to ask the question "Why?". Perhaps we may feel uncomfortable that such evil could come out from the dark side of men; that humans can be so inhumane. But whatever we feel, we must not look away. We must not forget. Most of all, we must not be silent. We must cry, we must grieve and we must rage and act against the evil.


StayAtHomeKat said...

I will say it again....
and sadly that I have to:

Sometimes I almost want to give up on "people" when I hear of the pain and havoc wreaked by such and why why why why
It is so outrageous.

But I don't give up.

Because these few that make the news, that we hear about, I know are the rotten apples, the few rotten apples and damn if I will let them spoil this world for me, a world I also know is of truly good people, the vast majority who know this world and life and all within are what is to be celebrated, preserved, helped along the way.

bless the child.

Open Grove Claudia said...

What is delightful is that you are upset. That a lot of people are upset. Not far from where I sit, and where you sit, there are places where an 8 year old works for a living in "the trade". And no one will miss her.

These situations are part of the human continuum. We must conquer our own inner demons, love ourselves, so that this type of thing is unacceptable to us - then it simply won't happen.

That's all we can do.

Jess said...

Oh, Calvin....

To me these people are the real terrorists. Anyone who could do such a thing -

Thank you for remembering the tiny one.

meggie said...

Thank you for writing about her. When I read of dreadful things like this I can't help but cry. Then I am glad she is dead, & all her pain is gone.
I don't understand how the world can produce such monstrous beasts capable of such monstrous deeds.

Ruth W. said...

and the sad thing about this probably happens every day somewhere.

Heaven help us, please!!

Cheryl said...

It's hard to fathom--the cruelty. The inhumanity. Whoever did this must be insane.

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

dear friends,
the latest information suggests that the girl may be a child of illegal immigrants and that the parents may either be not literate enough to have read about the discovery of the body or that the parents are too afraid to seek help from the authorities because of their illegal status. So sad is the plight of the disenfranchised and the poor.

kimber said...

Her death rings around the world because of your post, LGS, and though we may not know her name, we are thinking of her and her plight, and wish her peace, wherever she may be.

geewits said...

How hideous. I can only be glad that she no longer suffers.

Odat said...

I'm glad you've posted she's got a lot more prayers in her favor!!! What a sad, sad story tho...

Janice Thomson said...

Ok my comment just flew into cyberspace somewhere so let's try this again...

"But whatever we feel, we must not look away. We must not forget."---and too often that's just what we do.
Because of government bureaucracy a child suffered at the hands of a pervert who probably sized up the situation all too well. Humanity is only as good as its weakest link - it behooves us all to eradicate the animal instincts within and live in the glory of love. Thanks for this post Lgs.

Dave said...

The first word that comes to mind is "monsters." How very tragic!

ancient one said...

So so sad !!

Anonymous said...

What to say, lgs? Children are lost, get lost, abused, thrown away, like things. All over the world that happens. They vanish.
A gang of people here in Germany was set free, "innocent due to lack of proof", because their victim, a six year old boy, was not found anymore.

I have no answer to that, no idea. I just can not understand.

heiresschild said...

it's a sick world because of so many sick people. how sad.

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Dear readers,
Thanks for all your thoughtful comments. Please forgive me for not replying individually but I wanted this post to be all about showing respect for this child and to have an opportunity for you wonderful folk to express yourselves with minimal interference from myself. This is not a post where I would try to make any witty replies. I will keep you updated of developments.

the walking man said...

I sometimes wonder what it feels like to walk around for the rest of ones life with a millstone tied to your neck for harming a child. The only consolation for this is in knowing that the One who created all has already damned this person(s) who did this.

This child's Karma will now forever be a part of every rainbow that appears to please us humans in the way rainbows always do.

May the grace of God fall upon all who care for her.


Eastcoastdweller said...

The outrage upon this poor child joins the long list of human horrors, from the rapes that accompany every war, to the Holocaust, the killing fields of Cambodia, Rwanda, the shootings of people trying to escape from East Germany, Stalin's famine in Ukraine, Saddam's gas campaign against his own people, the needless deaths from starvation in North Korea while the human disease Kim Yong Il eats with silver chopsticks, the "honor" mutiliation and killings of Women around the world -- oh, I can't go on, it just makes me sick.

Kat is right, though. We have to remember that for all the filthy, subhuman scum out there doing evil, there are a lot of good people doing good things. Maybe someday they will outmanuever and eliminate the monsters among us.

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