My last post covered my theme songs from the earlier part of my life. Here I will continue the count down until today. These are not necessarily my most favorite songs but are songs that I somehow identify as my rallying songs during these periods of my life. Well, here goes the final countdown........
Age: Hopeless Romantic
Years : 18-23 years old
Song: Tell Me On A Sunday (Marti Webb,1994)
This phase of my life has been studied extensively by historians and is known as the Hopeless Romantic Era with the emphasis on hopeless. *sigh* So this painful period demanded a song of deep pathos and I found it in this Andrew Lloyd Webber/Don Black song which was one of the songs written for a one-woman West End show called Song & Dance.
It reflects about the pain of separating. Even when it is a mutual decision, the sense of loss and pain remains and finally there is the realisation that there is no good way nor a good time to end relationships.
"Don't write a letter when you want to leave.
Don't call me at 3 a.m. from a friend's apartment.
I'd like to choose how I hear the news.
Take me to a park that's covered with trees.
Tell me on a Sunday please."
"Don't want to know who's to blame,
It won't help knowing.
Don't want to fight day and night
Bad enough you're going.
Don't leave in silence with no words at all.
Don't get drunk and slam the door,
That's no way to end this,
I know how I want you to say goodbye.
Find a circus ring with a flying trapeze.
Tell me on a Sunday please."
Age: Working Stiff
Years : 23-28 years old
Song: Just One Person (Larry Grossman,1975)
When I joined the work force, I had a wonderful boss. My next boss however was a nightmare. The work was tough, physically and mentally demanding. The hours were long and I had to travel a lot. My social life was practically non-existant. There were times that I was on 48 hour shifts, sleeping when I could which was at the most 4 hours at a time. The work was tough but I did enjoy it. However, it was clear that I was at the bottom of the food chain and I had to cope with a lot of abuse from the establishment. During this time, as I strove to make my mark in the world, this old song from a Snoopy musical strangely became my rally song.
"If just one person believes in you,
Deep enough, and strong enough, believes in you...
Hard enough, and long enough,
It stands to reason, that someone else will think
"If he can do it, I can do it."
"And when all those people,
Believe in you,
Deep enough, and strong enough,
Believe in you...
Hard enough, and long enough
It stands to reason that you yourself will
Start to see what everybody sees in
And maybe even you,
Can believe in you... too!"
This was a version performed by the Muppets on the occasion of the untimely death of their creator, Jim Henson. I think it adds an extra poignancy to the words. It is also suitable cause my other candidate theme song for this period would probably have been "It isn't Easy Being Green" which is sung by Kermit! Haha.
Age: Love Struck
Years : 28 years and forever.
Song: And So It Goes (Billy Joel,1990)
Eventually, love found me when I wasn't looking. And perhaps when I wasn't ready. I then had to make a decision. After some struggle, I decided to propose to my future wife by singing this song to her.
"And every time I've held a rose
It seems I only felt the thorns
And so it goes, and so it goes
And so will you soon I suppose
But if my silence made you leave
Then that would be my worst mistake
So I will share this room with you
And you can have this heart to break"
Age: Mid-Life
Years : 40+
Song: Anything But Ordinary (Avril Lavine, 2002)
I don't think I am going through a mid-life crisis. No sportscar or any of those symptoms. So, why have I chosen a song from a young girl (she was 16 when she wrote this)for this period of my life? Don't really know. Maybe she is way precocious or I am way slow or immature. Anyway, the words of this song speaks about wanting to live a meanigful and fulfilled life and not waste this time in the world. It talks about living to the extreme and not wasting it. Yes, I want to live to the extreme......but I will still not bungee jump! Forget that!
"To walk within the lines
Would make my life so boring
I want to know that I
Have been to the extreme
So knock me off my feet
Come on now give it to me
Anything to make me feel alive
Is it enough to love?
Is it enough to breath?
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die?
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be anything but ordinary please"
Well, that's it folks. My life in song. You were perhaps expecting some songs about squirrels?
What's the deal with all of this chaos?
1 month ago
I think you should just switch to some Jerry Lee Lewis rock and roll, from here on out :)
Well that was good Lgs...I enjoyed this walk music-wise through your life. I was expecting (hoping?) to see something in a religious choice too but hey the one from the muppets sorta touched on that area LOL.
I loved this post and last. Funny, how although they aren't a favorite song - many carry a significant memory along with them.
Great post LGS, and glad a Billy Joel was included.
Now you have me thinking about my songs through my life....Hummm, for some reason Andy Williams comes to Yes, I am now showing my age.
Oh, I like rock and roll. Just not as theme songs. I listen to Alanis Morrisset, Bryan Adams, Aerosmith, Meatloaf, Tom Petty, U2 etc. But having degenerated, I think for theme songs, I am looking at teeny boppers tune and/or squirrel tunes! LoL.
I know I shouldn't separate my religious from my everyday life but it followed its own pattern of growing-up. An early favorite was, "Just as I am". Then there was "Be Thou My Vision" and "When I survey the Wondrous Cross". All these are old hymns. For a more comtemporary one, Michael Smith's "All about You". And I have always loved a song by Adrian Snell entitled "Muddy Waters".
For me, a good tune is good. A good lyrics is better and if they both combine is best. I love songs that have a message or a story and I associate with them.
A Billy Joel fan? I remember Andy Williams. He is a good singer. However, right now, I can only remember "Moon River". I remember he had a Canadian wife. See, I'm up there in the ages too.
It is a common human condition to pass through stages in life and then find when you reach a certain age that you really aren't 'done' yet. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. I was mocked and laughed at by my teen boys when I bought an Avril CD. But I like their music too! Brats! LOL
I actually really liked the Avril Lavigne song, one I've never heard before. Did you know she's a Canadian?
Or at least something by Alvin and the Chipmunks... :-)
I liked the Avril Lavigne song too. And it suits the current part of your life.
"To walk within the lines
Would make my life so boring"
Great lines.
I've no kids but I shocked the youth in my church when I sang an Avril Lavigne song I'm with you" at the church talentime night. After they got over the shock, they decided that I was pretty "cool" for an old man. Very generous of them.
Why thank you for saying that. So maybe there is something about the song and it isn't just me! I knew she is Canadian. I can recognise Canadian artists. They are distinct from American or British.
Hahaha. I had forgotten about Alvin and the Chipmunks! You like Avril's song too? Good. So it's not just me and my mid-life crisis.
You know what you sometimes hide really well on this blog (but whichy comes through hugely in this post)?
You're really cute.
These choices are, indeed, very cute. And revealing.
or nuts
Oooo. muchas gracias! But is that cute as in "Brad Pitt is cute" or is it as in "Mickey Mouse is cute"? Mind you, Antonio Bandares was "cute" as le Puss'n Boots in Shrek.
And now hear my balloon deflate...Hssssssss! Well, you know...fine line between genius and insanity. Same thing for cute and nuts! ;) Everyone now sing, "It isn't easy being green...."
Gonna try to make you into a hip squirrel, Squirrel.
Try the break-up songs of John Prine, viz.,
I am an old woman
Named after my mother
My old man's another
Child that's grown old
If dreams were lightnin'
And Thunder were desire
This old house would've burned down
A long time ago
Make me an angel
That flies from Montgomery
Make me a poster
Of an old rodeo
Just give me one thing
That I can hold onto
To believe in this livin'
Is such a hard way to go
Google John Prine!
A great void exists in the world of squirrels: songs by, or about squirrels. You need to fill this gap. Surely there must be something to better represent your tribe than the old comedic country song, "The Day the Squirrel Went to Church."
I googled John Prine. I am embarassed to say that I hadn't heard about him before. After your recommendation, I remembered Gina on ther blog, "Forgive me for saying so but..." also recently put up a video by Prine called "In Spite of Ourselves".
He's good. I think these are strong honest lyrics. Thanks. Did't find any breakup songs but at this stage of my life, I'm hoping not to make their acquaintence.
I am afraid I am no song writer but despair not. The underground squirrel music scene is very much alive. Try visiting this site for the hot hit "Squirrel Power" by Nutz (
I often think of periods in our lives as chapters to a book. The person is the book, each Chapter is markedly distinct by certain events or realizations.
Apparently yours is also a musical too. Ha,ha,ha.
I enjoyed seeing the songs you've chosen.
Thank you for sharing!
You are one gracious squirrel.
Ein Prosit.
proxima blue,
How are things in Glocca Mora? :)
Oh, you mean you're older than 21? I thought you'd finishe witht he last post. I enjoyed seeing the continuing journey. Wonder what songs will epitomize your next phase?
We can mark our lives by the songs popular at each stage. Nothing takes me back to the summer I met my husband quicker than the Mamas and the Papas singing "Dream a Little Dream of Me."
I'd like to think of my life as a musical comedy. The best are those that make you laugh and make you cry. I fear if it was a book, people might nod off before finishing reading it. LoL.
Been over to see your latest post. All is clearer now. Sometimes, we like to pick at these wounds but really wounds heal better when we leave them alone. Thank you for the kind words though I know not why I deserve them.
21? Surely you jest! What songs do you think should epitomise my next stage? Some readers feel I lack the spirit of rock and roll (leslie), ivan thinks I should be better acquainted with the sad country song genre, while eastcoastdweller thinks I should be true to the squirrel tribe. Hmmmmm. Any advice?
I love that song. It's on my iPod.
Delighful retro Lone g. :)
:) Loved the songs from both posts! What a way to walk through your own life & identify. I should try that sometime :)
Lorraine & Becky,
thank you , ladies. Don't forget to vote. (poll on sidebar)
Your heart will know it when you hear it, squirrel. (By the way, the Avril Lavigne post I did was conicidental - looks like this is one of her earlier, pre-slut songs.)
yeah, I am disappointed with Avril's career. I actually haven't listened much to her ltest album cause I was put off by "Girlfriend" which to me is a much more tasteless version of the relatively imaginative "skater boi".
yes, as a matter of fact, I was.
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